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Abbott, Brian.
Small Firms and Trade Unions in Social Services in the 1990s.
Broadbent, Kaye.
Sisters Organising in Japan and Korea: The Development of Women-Only Unions.
Chun, Jennifer Jihye.
Legal Liminality: The Gender and Labour Politics of Organising South Korea's Irregular Workforce.
Cranford, Cynthia J., Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko.
Self Employed Workers Organize: Law, Policy, And Unions.
Domi­nguez, Edme Reyes.
Transnational Class and Gender Networking Between the North and the South: Overcoming Diversity or Reproducing Dependencies?
Friedman, Sheldon, Richard W. Hurd, Rudolph A. Oswald, Ronald L. Seeber.
Restoring the Promise of American Labor Law.
Lundy, M. Catherine.
Part-Time Employees, Unions, And Applications For the Health Care Industry.
Martens, Margaret Hosmer, Swasti Mitter.
Women in Trade Unions: Organizing the Unorganized.
Milkman, Ruth.
Organizing Immigrants: The Challenge For Unions in Contemporary California.
Mitter, Swasti.
On Organizing Women in Casualized Work: A Global Overview.
Sechi, Cinzia.
Women in Trade Unions in Europe: Bridging the Gaps.
Tait, Vanessa.
Poor Workers' Unions: Rebuilding Labor From Below.